imghaste vs shortpixel

Looking for an alternative to Shortpixel?

A Side to side comparison between imghaste CDN & Shortpixel image optimizer?.

Struggling to find which one is the most appropriate for your business requirements? We have a detailed comparison between the two services. Even if the two products having the same target audience, the services have a totally different technical approach on how they solve the same problem.

Shortpixel works in both online & offline mode, meaning that you can reduce your original image assets size and save up a ton of web hosting space.

While at @imghaste we believe that you should keep your original images as is. Keeping your original image intact will allow you to reuse them in all kinds of different mediums (emails, social media, website, mobile apps etc) without having to re-create new content each time.

So practically we sacrifice your web space while we are cutting off the running costs for the extra art designer / web designer you are going to need as you scale.

Compare IMGHaste vs Shortpixel

Core Featuresimghasteshortpixel
Platform Agnostic
Active Monitoring
Service Status Page
Disaster Recovery Plan
Real Time Fallback
Real Time Image Backups
Resizer Engineimghasteshortpixel
AVIF Support
WebP Support
Interlaced PNG
Progressive JPEG
Supports Client Hints
Manual Resize
Automatic Resize
Offline mode
CDN Featuresimghasteshortpixel
Peers with Global Networks51
Total Edge Servers> 600
CSS files
Javascript Files
Additional Featuresimghasteshortpixel
Progressive Web App
Service Worker Management
White label for b2c
White label for b2b
Cache images for 365 days
Free Tier1.000 credits100 credits
$5/m Tier12.000 credits10.500 credits

What makes IMGHaste the best alternative to ShortPixel?

100% Customer Focus

Affordable pricing from small businesses to enterprise, Premium Support, Dedicated support engineer, Best practices sessions for your team. Our mission is to help you succeed.

Zero Downtime

Using a three fail-safe mechanism to ensure your assets are always available – from our very core infrastructure until your website visitor.


Warm up IMGHaste edge servers and enjoy lighting fast performance from our global infrastructure. Our team is dedicated to finding the optimal solution for your requirements.